
the Keller Theatre presents A Song at Twilight by Noël Coward

  • Datum: Samstag, 22. Oktober 2022 um 19:30 Uhr
  • Location:  
  • Bleichstraße 28 35390 Gießen

the Keller Theatre presents A Song at Twilight by Noël Coward
Hochgeladen von: A. Inceöz
Quelle: the Keller Theatre

This bittersweet comedy is the story of a cosmopolitan author, Hugo, caught in his declining years between two women, one being his wife of twenty years, the other, one of his former loves. The former flame, Carlotta, produces some old love letters which she is about to turn over to a biographer. Hugo is dead set against it, for it would compromise his reputation. Carlotta then plays her trump card, which is even more threatening.

Noël Coward (1899-1973) played Hugo in the 1966 London production. It was to be one of his last roles. The play is one of three set in a hotel in Switzerland

Performances: 7, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 and 29 October 2022

at 7.30 pm (doors open at 7 pm)

Kleine Bühne, Bleichstraße 28, 35390 Gießen

Adult: € 12,- (advance sale € 12,50)
Students/Disabled: € 8,- (advance sale € 8,50)

Tickets: Haus der Karten, Kreuzplatz 6, 35390 Gießen; (0641) 7957 -60/ -61 or online:

Subject to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions

For further information please see

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Die Veranstaltung "the Keller Theatre presents A Song at Twilight by Noël Coward" wurde am Mittwoch, 28. September 2022 von A. Inceöz im openeventnetwork eingetragen.
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the Keller Theatre presents A Song at Twilight by Noël Coward, Samstag, 22. Oktober 2022, Kleine Bühne Gießen